Can You Make Square Bubbles?

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Explore why bubbles are round with this hands-on math activity.

This worksheet includes several FutureFit Extension Activities that highlight 21st Century skills like critical thinking. These FutureFit Extension Activities are designed to reinforce the concepts included in the worksheet activity while integrating real-world skills. They can be used as in-class independent practice or group activities, or assigned for take-home or independent work.

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FutureFit Extension Activity


Referencing questions 1 and 6 on the worksheet, ask students to practice “joining” two bubbles together (best done wand-to-wand or in mid-air) and then estimate the increase in overall surface area of the resulting single bubble. Then, ask them to replicate the process by joining two clay cubes together into a sphere. Does the increased surface area size of the resulting sphere match the estimated increases in bubble size? Ask students to propose reasons why the surface area of the cubes is smaller than the surface area of the bubbles. (Air is less dense than clay.)

Excerpted from

Physical Science Across the Curriculum, Volume I (6-10)
Compiled by the editors of TeacherVision®
This huge printable book is full of cross-curricular physical science activities and worksheets. Students will study in detail the wonders of bridges and learn all about soap, across all subject areas.
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