Glossary of Internet Acronyms and Emoticons

The acronyms abbreviate common phrases and slang we're all familiar with, and the emoticons (also known as "smileys") combine letters, symbols, and numbers to create faces that express emotions visually.
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Note: Emoticon faces are shown sideways - you must tilt your head to the left to view them properly. Also note that most of these faces can be created with or without a nose (see smiling and frowning examples).

:) or :-) = Smiling
:^) = Smiling, side view
:-D = Grinning
:-)=) = Big grin
:-} = Wry smile
;-) = Winking
:-))) = Laughing or double chin
:.-) = Laughing tears
:( or :-( = Frowning
:^( = Unhappy, looking away
:- = Sad
:'-( = Crying
:-c = Bummed out
:-[ = Real downer
:-II = Angry
>:-( = Angry, annoyed
:-@ = Angry or cursing
:-P = Disgusted
:-/ = Frustrated
:-> = Sarcastic
:-o = Surprised
:-O = Shocked
:-() = Talking

:-P = Tongue out
:-! = Foot in mouth
:-I = Not talking
:-X = Mute
:-$ = Mouth wired shut
:-& = Tongue-tied
:-x = Kissing
{ } = Hug
:-*) = Kiss
:-6 = Eating something sour
:-Q = Smoking
?-( = Black eye
:-Z = Sleeping
X-) = Unconscious
#-) = Dead
8-) = Wearing glasses
B-) = Wearing shades
B:-) = Wearing sunglasses on head
[:-) = Wearing a Walkman
}:-> = Devil
0:-) = Angel
*:o) = Clown
5:-) = Elvis
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