recent videos

Animated Math Video: Use Models to Add Mixed Numbers Grade 5

In this video, Carlos learns strategies to add mixed numbers using models.

Animated Math Video: Estimate Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers Grade 5

In this video, Carlos learns how to estimate values for addition and subtraction involving mixed numbers.

Animated Math Video: Add and Subtract Fractions Grade 5

In this video, Jada learns how to use common denominators for addition and subtraction.

Animated Math Video: Find Common Denominators Grade 5

In this video, Jada learns how to compare fractions using common denominators.

Animated Math Video: Estimate Decimal Quotients Grade 5

In this video, Alex learns how to estimate a division problem when both numbers are decimals.

Animated Math Video: Patterns for Dividing with Decimals Grade 5

In this video, Alex learns to divide whole numbers by moving the decimal point.

Animated Math Video: Divide by Multiples of 10 Grade 5

In this video, Jada learns how to divide when the divisor is a multiple of ten.

Animated Math Video: Estimate Quotients with 2-Digit Divisors Grade 5

In this video, Jada learns about estimation, and how to estimate the solutions to division problems.

Animated Math Video: Multiply Decimals Using Partial Products Grade 5

In this video, Jada learns how to multiply two digits containing decimals with partial products.

Animated Math Video: Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number Grade 5

In this video, Jada learns how to use decimals in the basic algorithm for multiplication.

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