This teaching guide for Eugenia Lincoln and the Unexpected Package
, a book about the importance of enjoying life, contains discussion questions and various activities. The discussion questions are geared towards student understanding and act as a way to test their comprehension of the reading. The activities are added to enhance aspects of the novel by creating business cards, a timeline, and an ad and learning about encyclopedias.
Excerpted from
Eugenia Lincoln and the Unexpected Package
Eugenia Lincoln is a practical person with no time for gee-gaws, whoop-de-whoops, or frivolity. When an unexpected package containing an accordion arrives at her house, she is determined to have nothing to do with it. But her plans to sell the accordion, destroy the accordion, and give the accordion away all end in frustration. How can Eugenia stop being tormented by this troublesome package? Might she discover that a bit of unforeseen frivolity could be surprisingly . . . joyous?