Follow the Drinking Gourd Song

Teach students a song that was sung by slaves making their escape to Canada in the 1800's.
Follow the Drinking Gourd Song

The Drinking Gourd, otherwise known as the Big Dipper, helped to lead slaves to Canada. Once in Canada, slaves gained their freedom and were no longer an object owned by a master.

When the sun comes back and the first quail calls,
Follow the Drinking Gourd.
For the old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom,
If you follow the Drinking Gourd.

The river bank makes a very good road,
The dead trees show you the way,
Left foot, peg foot, traveling on
Follow the Drinking Gourd.

The river ends between two hills,
Follow the Drinking Gourd.
There's another river on the other side,
Follow the Drinking Gourd.

Where the great big river meets the little river,
Follow the Drinking Gourd.
For the old man is awaiting to carry you to freedom if you
follow the Drinking Gourd.

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