What to Include in an IEP

Find out what must be in your child's Individualized Education Program.
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Special factors

In developing your child's IEP, the team must consider his strengths, your concerns for enhancing the education of your child, and the results of his initial evaluation. The team must also consider certain special factors, if applicable, including:

  • Strategies, including positive behavioral interventions and supports, for your child if her behavior impedes her own or other children's learning.

  • The language needs of your child, if he has limited English proficiency, as these needs relate to his IEP.

  • Instruction in Braille and the use of Braille for your child, if she is blind or visually impaired, unless the IEP team determines that such instruction is not appropriate for her.

  • Your child's communication needs, particularly if he is deaf or hard of hearing.

  • The need for assistive technology devices and services.

The IEP team is not required to include information under one component of your child's IEP that is already contained in another section.

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