By 270 B.C., people knew 44 constellations by specific names and two more that were unnamed. In 1930 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) declared that no more constellations could be named; it would recognize only the names and boundaries of the 88 constellations known at the time. Astronomers still use this system for charting the constellations. The hemisphere you live in and the time of year determine which star legends you will see.
The 88 Constellations
Name | Symbol |
Andromeda | Princess of Ethiopia |
Antlia | the Air Pump |
Apus | The Bird of Paradise |
Aquarius | The Water Bearer |
Aquila | The Eagle |
Ara | The Altar |
Aries | The Ram |
Auriga | The Charioteer |
Bootes | The Herdsman |
Caelum | The Sculptor's Chisel |
Camelopardalis | The Giraffe |
Cancer | The Crab |
Canes Venatici | The Hunting Dogs |
Canis Major | The Greater Dog |
Canis Minor | The Lesser Dog |
Capricorn | The Sea Goat |
Carina | The Keel |
Cassiopeia | The Seated Lady |
Centaurus | The Centaur |
Cepheus | King of Ethiopia |
Cetus | The Sea Monster |
Chameleon | The Chameleon |
Circinus | The Compass |
Columbia | The Dove |
Coma Berencies | Bernice's Hair |
Corona Austrina | The Southern Crown |
Corona Borealis | The Northern Crown |
Corvus | The Crow |
Crater | The Cup |
Crux | The Southern Cross |
Cygnus | The Swan |
Delphinus | The Dolphin |
Dorado | The Swordfish |
Draco | The Dragon |
Equuleus | The Colt |
Eridanus | The River |
Fornax | The Laboratory Furnace |
Gemini | The Twins |
Grus | The Crane |
Hercules | Hercules |
Horologium | The Clock |
Hydra | The Sea Serpent |
Hydrus | The Water Snake |
Indus | The American Indian |
Lacerta | The Lizard |
Leo | The Lion |
Leo Minor | The Lion Club |
Lepus | The Hare |
Libra | The Balance (Scales) |
Lupus | The Wolf |
Lynx | The Lynx |
Lyra | The Lyre |
Mensa | The Table Mountain |
Microscopium | The Microscope |
Monoceros | The Unicorn |
Musca | The Fly |
Norma | The Carpenter's Square |
Octans | The Octant |
Ophiuchus | The Serpent Holder |
Orion | The Great Hunter |
Pavo | The Peacock |
Pegasus | The Winged Horse |
Perseus | The Hero |
Phoenix | The Phoenix |
Pictor | The Painter's Easel |
Pisces | The Fishes |
Piscis Austrinus | The Southern Fishes |
Puppis | The Stern |
Pyxis | The Mariner's Compass |
Reticulum | The Net |
Sagitta | The Arrow |
Sagittarius | The Archer |
Scorpio | The Scorpion |
Sculptor | The Sculptor |
Scutum | The Shield |
Serpens | The Serpent |
Sextans | The Sextant |
Taurus | The Bull |
Telescopium | The Telescope |
Triangulum | The Triangle |
Triangulum Australe | The Southern Triangle |
Tucana | The Toucan |
Ursa Major | The Large Bear |
Ursa Minor | The Small Bear |
Vela | The Sail |
Virgo | The Virgin |
Volans | The Flying Fish |
Vulpecula | The Little Fox |