Capitalization Printables Slideshow

This slideshow gives you a sneak peek inside our printable book "Capitalization (K-4)." Students demonstrate their grammar knowledge and improve capitalization skills with worksheets and lessons. This slideshow is just a sampling of all you can find in the printable book!
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Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalization.
Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalization.
Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalization.
Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalizing.
Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalizing.
Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalizing days of the week.
Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalizing the first word in a sentence.
Enhance writing skills with an activity that focuses on capitalizing initials.
Use this printable writing activity to focus on the letter G.
Use this printable writing activity to focus on punctuation.
Did you enjoy this slideshow? See the rest of the printable book now! You'll find many more worksheets for students to practice their capitalization skills. The book is only available to subscribers, so to see more sign up for a free-trial membership today!
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