Making a Message

Use a School Readiness Activity to provide early literacy thinking experiences for preschool children that will prepare them to do well in the early grades.
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Teaching Strategies:

Making a Message


  • To practice writing and drawing to convey meaning
  • To use fine motor skills

Children's book, construction paper, crayons, scissors
Prepare ahead by making a heart shape for each child from a folded piece of paper.


Literature Suggestion
Read Milly and Tilly: The Story of a Town Mouse and a Country Mouse by Kate Summers, or any other book that includes a letter or note.

Write "I (image of a heart) you" on the board or on large chart paper. Point to the words as you read them aloud and ask children what the heart means. Have children trace heart shapes in the air with their fingers.


  • Read the book and have children examine the illustration of the letter. Explain how letters of the alphabet make up words and that we use words to write notes to people.
  • Ask children to name adults and children who are special to them. Hand out the paper hearts and crayons. Help children notice that the heart folds into two halves. Invite children to make drawings and write notes inside their paper hearts for someone special. Some children may wish to copy "I (heart) you" from the board.
Provide materials for children to make "Heart Art." Include the word heart, hearts of different colors and sizes, heart shapes for children to trace, heart decorations, and stickers. Teach children how to make folded paper hearts.

Observation Assessment

  • Proficient - Child is comfortable drawing and writing a note.
  • In Process - Child tries, but is uncomfortable drawing and writing.
  • Not Yet Ready - Child avoids drawing and writing.
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