Pattern analysis is a critical 21st Century skill Pattern problem solving is a fundamental mathematical strategy that i...
Help your students learn how to overcome issues independently by integrating problem-solving skills into your lesson pla...
Teach students the same technique research mathematicians use! (Seriously.) "Guess and Check" is a problem-solving stra...
Problem-solving is a critical 21st Century and social-emotional skill The "draw a picture" strategy is a problem-solvin...
The process of "choosing the operation" involves deciding which mathematical operation (addition, subtraction, multiplic...
This professional development resource will help you discover the process and content standards for teaching a successfu...
Make a Table is a problem-solving strategy that students can use to solve mathematical word problems by writing the info...
Using a Formula is a problem-solving strategy that students can use to find answers to math problems involving geometry,...
Eliminating Possibilities is a problem-solving strategy in which students remove possible answers until the correct answ...
When a problem is too complex to solve in one step, it often helps to divide it into simpler problems and solve each one...
Students act out skits showing typical conflicts that arise in school and then resolve them using a problem-solving appr...
Pupils will role-play elements of a food web to illustrate the connections in ecosystems. Then they will respond to rea...
Solve this logic problem with your students involving their family. This worksheet includes several FutureFit Extension ...
Students fill out this sheet after experiencing a behavior problem in class. Use this activity to help your students be ...
In this lesson students explore how many different rhythmic combinations can be improvised in a jazz/blues piece of musi...
Use this printable checklist to monitor students' use of the problem-solving process. Help students understand the steps...
The Acting Out Conflict lesson plan incorporates a role playing activity detailed in this script. Use this activity to r...