The first day of the new school year can feel overwhelming with lesson planning, organizing your classroom, and getting to know new students (or reconnecting with your students after summer) all on your ever-growing to-do list. Here you’ll find a collection of back to school activities, printable worksheets, checklists, and templates, to help ease you into the first week of school and take away some of that back to school angst.

Back to School Worksheets & Printables

Here you'll find our tried and tested teaching resources for the first day of school. Choose from icebreakers, writing and math activities, in-depth projects, and more. Browse the collections by grade level to find the perfect back to school activity for your class.

First Day of School Activities for Elementary

These back to school activities and printables have been created for Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade. You’ll find activities specifically for the first day of school as well as getting to know you printables, and handy “5 minutes left” activities. Many of the worksheets and templates have been designed so that can be used for bulletin boards or open houses and back to school nights.

First Day of School Activities for Middle School

This collection of first day of school activities and printables is designed for middle school grade levels. It might be time to welcome back your classes from last year or to get to know new classes, either way, these getting to know you and icebreaker activities are a great way to settle in on the first day of school. For new students moving from elementary to start 6th grade, try our packet of helpful transition activities.

First Day of School Activities for High School

For new high school students moving up from middle school, and new classes you may not have taught before, try our first day of school activities packet and getting to know you activities. For those more familiar with their surroundings, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to set goals for the upcoming school year.


First Day of School Printables for Teachers

The beginning of the year is the time to restock and organize those planners, check off everything you need to do in those first days and weeks and find fun ways to get to know your new students. Here you’ll find a collection of ready-to-use printables specifically for teachers.

Checklists & Templates for the First Day of School

The first day of school is a great time to set classroom rules, expectations, and routines with your class. Use our checklists to make sure you’ve got everything covered, and our planners and templates to get organized for the beginning of the year.

Tips for New Teachers

The first day of school is particularly intimidating for new teachers not quite sure what to expect or how to prepare. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with all the advice, templates, and printables you could possibly need for your very first day of school as a new teacher.

Getting To Know Your Students

The first day of school is your first opportunity to get to know new students and start building a classroom community. Here we’ve included our top tips and ready-to-use icebreaker printables for getting to know your students.

More Back to School Resources

If you’re looking for more support for the back to school season, try these resource collections, for the first day back and beyond!

Recommended First Day of School Resources

A First Day Of School Activities Packet For Middle School Students


Back to School Activities for Middle School

This packet of back to school activities for middle school includes 6 icebreaker games that will help students get to kn...

A handout for kindergartners to identify how they feel on the first day of school.


My First Day Of Kindergarten

This handout is designed for our youngest students in order to support them to reflect and identify how they are feeling...


First Day at the Secondary Level

Get ready for your first day teaching at the secondary level with these tips on everything from outlining the syllabus t...

classroom bingo


Classroom Bingo Activity - Printable PDF

Classroom Bingo - "Find someone who..." Classroom bingo is designed to support your students to get out of their seats,...

First Day Elementary


First Day at the Elementary Level

Prepare yourself for your first day teaching at the elementary level with these ideas, including getting to know your st...

An activity to support students to share how they are feeling the first day of school


First Day of School Thoughts

Use this First Day of School activity to get to know your students and learn more about what they are excited about and ...

First Day of 6th Grade Welcome Activities


Back To School: First Day of 6th Grade Printable Packet

Ease the transition to middle school with this printable first day of 6th grade activity packet perfect for back to scho...

A packet of first day activities for elementary students


Back To School Activities For Elementary Students

The first few days are a bit tough at the beginning of a school year. Without your official schedule in place, it can fe...

Back to School Checklist


Back to School Checklist for Elementary Teachers

Get organized and prepared for the first day of school with this printable back to school checklist for teachers with he...

My First Day Poem


Back to School Poem: Poetry Assignment for Elementary

This creative writing activity supports elementary school students on their first day of school and helps teachers get t...

First Day of School FAQs


FAQs for the First Days of School

Find answers to some of the most common concerns for the start of a new school year. This article for teachers includes ...

Our First Day Classroom Book


Our First Day Classroom Book

Build classroom community while creating your first classroom book as a Back-to-School icebreaker. Students will share a...

An activity to support students to reflect on their first day of school.


My First Day of School Picture Activity

Use this art-based resource to encourage students to draw pictures that describe what happened on their first day of sch...

My Summer Break Icebreaker Writing Activity


My Summer Break Icebreaker Writing Activity

Use this activity to support your students to think about and share what they did this summer. There is space for studen...


TeacherVision Talks: Why This Matters - Teaching The Importance of Learning

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