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These printables will not only enhance students' understanding of immigration, but also spark their creativity and imagination, while improving their writing skills. Activities include acting out the process at Ellis Island, writing a story of an immigrant's experience, researching one's own family history, attempting the citizenship test immigrants must pass, and much more!

Lesson Plans

Teach students more about the immigrants themselves with these lessons that revolve around immigrants' experiences, family, and the countries they immigrated from. Lessons will also enhance students' reading, writing, and math skills.

Immigration & Pilgrims

Learn more about today's pilgrims and immigrants with these lesson plans.

Immigration Activities for Reading & Language Arts

Use immigrants' first-hand experiences to teach your students more about immigration and improve their reading comprehension skills. Activities include discussion questions for novels written by immigrants, reading warm-ups, and more!

Geography Resources on Immigration

Students will enhance their geography skills with these printable activities. Research immigrant names to connect it to their home countries, use historical reading warm-ups to better understand their culture, take a look at the states most impacted by immigration, and more!

Immigration Activities for Math Class

Use immigration statistics, patterns, and family relations to help students perfect their graphing, word problem, and other math skills!

Art & Music Activities on Immigration

Spark creativity with these art and music activities that highlight the different cultures and history of the immigrants around the world.

Immigration & Families Resources

Use these discussion guides, history lessons, and activities to focus on the familial relationships of immigrants.

Immigration Resources for History Class

Immigration is an important aspect of American history. Use these reading warm-ups, writing prompts, and history lessons to teach students the process and significance of immigration.


Use these resources to understand immigrant populations throughout the U.S., the ancestry behind those populations, and the naturalization process.

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