
Read this profile of Georgia to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find interesting facts about each state, including the state's motto, symbols, and when it entered the union.

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Georgia flag

Capital: Atlanta

State abbreviation: Ga.

Postal code: GA

Population est.: 9,072,576

Largest City (2005 est.): Atlanta, 470,688

Land area: 57,906 sq mi. (149,977 sq km)

U.S. Representatives: 13

Entered Union (rank): Jan. 2, 1788 (4)

Motto: Wisdom, justice, and moderation

Origin of name: In honor of George II of England

State symbols:

flower: Cherokee rose
bird: brown thrasher
song: "Georgia on My Mind"
tree: live oak

Nickname: Peach State, Empire State of the South

Residents: Georgian

Did you know: Georgia is home to the Girl Scouts, founded in Savannah by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912

Map of Georgia


Hernando de Soto, the Spanish explorer, first traveled parts of Georgia in 1540. British claims later conflicted with those of Spain. After obtaining a royal charter, Gen. James Oglethorpe established the first permanent settlement in Georgia in 1733 as a refuge for English debtors. In 1742, Oglethorpe defeated Spanish invaders in the Battle of Bloody Marsh.

A Confederate stronghold, Georgia was the scene of extensive military action during the Civil War. Union general William T. Sherman burned Atlanta and destroyed a 60-mile-wide path to the coast, where he captured Savannah in 1864.

The largest state in the southeast, Georgia is typical of the changing South with an ever-increasing industrial development. Atlanta, largest city in the state, is the communications and transportation center for the Southeast and the area's chief distributor of goods.

Georgia leads the nation in the production of paper and board, tufted textile products, and processed chicken. Other major manufactured products are transportation equipment, food products, apparel, and chemicals.

Important agricultural products are corn, cotton, tobacco, soybeans, eggs, and peaches. Georgia produces twice as many peanuts as the next leading state. From its vast stands of pine come more than half of the world's resins and turpentine and 74.4 percent of the U.S. supply. Georgia is a leader in the production of marble, kaolin, barite, and bauxite.

Principal tourist attractions in Georgia include the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Andersonville Prison Park and National Cemetery, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, the Little White House at Warm Springs where Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt died in 1945, Sea Island, the enormous Confederate Memorial at Stone Mountain, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, and Cumberland Island National Seashore.

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