Name_________________________ Date__________________
A suburb is a community located near a city. Are all suburbs the same? Use the Internet to find out!
Looking at Suburbs
Visit a site for each suburb below and record facts about each community. Look at the photographs and click on the different pages in each site. How are these suburbs alike? How are they different? Be prepared to share your ideas.
1. Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Suburb of ________________________
Population _______________________
Geographical feature
Historical fact ______________________________________________________
Other information _______________________________________________
2. LaMesa, California
Suburb of ________________________
Population _______________________
Geographical feature
Historical fact ______________________________________________________
Other information _______________________________________________
3. Long Grove, Illinois
Suburb of ________________________
Population _______________________
Geographical feature
Historical fact ______________________________________________________
Other information _______________________________________________
4. Cedar Park, Texas
Suburb of ________________________
Population _______________________
Geographical feature
Historical fact ______________________________________________________
Other information _______________________________________________