Kelsea Warren


About Kelsea

Kelsea Warren is a self-care and wellness expert who helps individuals and businesses elevate well-being and prevent burnout by identifying and aligning their workplace values.

As a former therapist and social worker, as well as a PhD student in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, she takes a holistic approach to well-being at work. Visit the seamless coach at 

Education and qualifications 

  • M.A. in Social Work 

TeacherVision areas of expertise 

Kelsea Warren is an expert in wellness, creating meaningful and life-changing support content to help others find well-being, alignment, and happiness. 


Watch Kelsea's TeacherVision: Self-Care Webinar on Workplace Value Alignment!

Kelsea Warren

About TeacherVision

Since 1999, TeacherVision has made educating easier and more rewarding for K-12 teachers. We offer a library of over 22,000 resources created by experienced teachers and industry experts, including education publishers and licensed education professionals passionate about education.

Our resources are accurate, timely, and reflect what teachers need to best support their students, and grow their teaching practice, so you can do less vetting and more teaching.

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