Katie Quick


About Katie

Katie Quick, MA, LPC (she/her) is a licensed professional counselor, former classroom teacher, social-emotional learning specialist, national speaker, and award-winning singer/songwriter with a Masters in Counseling from Northwestern University and nearly two decades in education. Katie is a highly sought-after SEL consultant and musician and is best known for aligning her music with her educational advocacy work. She is the founder of The Fingertips Program, an SEL school assembly program (which later became an all-school curriculum) combining live music and motivational speaking, inspiring kids and teens to find their passion and follow their dreams. Katie has a private coaching and counseling practice where she supports current, former, and transitioning educators, creatives, and big dreamers. Learn more about how Katie Quick can support you and your school at www.katiequick.com

Education and qualifications 

  • M.A. in Counseling, Northwestern University

  • B.S.. in Education, Illinois State University


  • Katie is a proud Chicago native living in Denver, Colorado. 

TeacherVision areas of expertise 

Katie Quick is an expert in social-emotional learning, helping to create emotionally safe schools based in love and belonging by supporting students, teachers, and administrators. She is best known for combining music with her work in SEL. 

Katie Quick

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