Life on the Prairie

  • Students will use vocabulary related to prairie life.
  • Students will learn about household items used by prairie families.
  • Students will make judgments about the challenges and rewards of prairie life.



  1. Introduce key vocabulary: ceramics, display, exhibits, museum, preparation, prairie.
  2. Have students work individually to complete the Life on the Prairie worksheet as they visit both websites.
  3. Set aside a time for students to share what they have learned from the websites.


  • Use the rubric to assess students' understanding of prairie life in the 1800s.

Extension Activities

  • Choose from a large collection of cross-curricular activities for all grade levels.
  • Have groups work together to create Same/Different charts, comparing prairie life in the 1800s with prairie life today.
Prairie life in the 1800s will come alive for students as they visit historical websites with photographs and information about household items that prairie families used.
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