CAEC Mission

Learn about the mission of Boston University's Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character.
Center for Advencement of Ethics and Character More Character Education from BU CAEC

The CAEC Mission

  • To serve as a resource for administrators, teachers, and parents as they seek to fulfill their responsibilities as moral educators.
  • To foster more research initiatives and publications on moral and character education, not only by Boston University's faculty and students, but also by the national and international community.
  • To foster the preparation of teachers who can provide students with an intellectual framework for the discussion, understanding, and practice of core virtues of our society.
  • To stimulate a national dialogue on issues of moral education, thus encouraging and helping educators become more competent in the study of ethics and character in the nation's schools.

More Character Education from BU CAEC

Boston University's Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character offers lessons and methodologies to help teach virtue to students.
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