Bacteria, Plants, & Animals Printables Slideshow

This slideshow gives you a sneak peek inside our printable book "Bacteria, Plants & Animals (6-10)." The pages included in this book use experiments and hands-on activities to teach your students about these biology topics. This slideshow is just a sampling of all you can find in the printable book!
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Students create a classification system for types of Cerealites (pieces of cereal). Tests students' understanding of shared characteristics and classification systems. Scoring rubric and background notes included.
Students create a question-and-answer game about viruses and bacteria. Assesses students' understanding of concepts related to viruses and bacteria. Scoring rubric and background notes included.
Students create a model of an animal-like protist, a fungus-like protist, and a plant-like protist using the materials provided. Tests students' understanding of the characteristics of protists in general and of particular types of protists. Scoring rubric and background notes included.
Students make a model of the gametophyte of a moss and the sporophyte of a fern using the available material. Tests students' understanding of the two-generation life cycle of plants and the structures of mosses and ferns. Scoring rubric and background notes included.
Students create a model of either a monocot or a dicot. Tests understanding of concepts related to angiosperms, leaves, flowers, monocots, and dicots. Scoring rubric and background notes included.
Students observe at least three behaviors of pillbugs. They then choose one of the observed behaviors, formulate a hypothesis to explain its survival value, and suggest an experiment to test the hypothesis. Tests students' knowledge of animal behavior and understanding of the scientific method. Scoring rubric and background notes included.
Did you enjoy this slideshow? See the rest of the printable book now! You'll find many more experiments and activities about plants, bacteria, and animals. The book is only available to subscribers, so to see more sign up for a free-trial membership today!
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