Veterans Day Comprehension Questions

These comprehension questions accompany "The Story of Veterans Day" lesson plan. Ask your students why we celebrate Veterans Day and who we are commemorating.

Veterans Day Comprehension Questions

  1. Do you know these words? Find the words in the story. Draw a line under them. Copy the words. Look them up in the dictionary and write down their meanings.
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  2. Read these sentences and answer the questions.
  1. What did the Armistice mean?

  2. Who do Americans honor on Veterans Day?

  3. When do Americans observe one minute of complete silence?

  4. If you are from a country outside of the United States, do you have a day to remember soldiers who died in wars?

  5. If so, when is it?

  6. What happens on that day?

  7. In general, what are the reasons that nations go to war?

    Adapted from ESL Teacher's Holiday Activities Kit, by Elizabeth Claire.
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