Getting to Know Each Other Through Poetry


  • Students will get to know each other through a poetry writing activity.
  • Students will practice writing a form poem.
  • Students will practice handwriting and art skills.


  • Pencils
  • Copies of Bio Poem Handout
  • Crayons, markers, or colored pencils
  • 8"x11" Colorful construction paper folded in half
  • Optional (for fancy decorating):
    A metallic gold pen
    Small flowers
    Wax paper
    A cheese grater
    Old crayons
    An iron


  1. Give each student a copy of the Bio Poem Handout.

  2. Ask students to fill in the information needed to create a bio-poem.

  3. Pair students and have them read the poems aloud to each other.

  4. Have students switch partners every few minutes until everyone in the class has interacted.

  5. Have students make cards. They can write their name and the title, "Hello, It's Me" on the outside cover of the card.

  6. Tell students to copy their poems onto the inside flap.

  7. If time allows, have students decorate the cards by following these instructions:

    • Allow each child to pick one small flower from the bunch.
    • If you teach older children, ask then to take old crayons and grate them into pieces with the cheese grater. If your students are too young, do this yourself.
    • Put several layers of newspaper on the table.
    • Put a piece of waxed paper on the newspaper.
    • Arrange the flower along with crayon shavings on top of the wax paper.
    • Cover with a second piece of waxed paper.
    • Put several layers of newspaper on top.
    • Iron until the crayons are melted (ADULT ONLY).
    • Hang to dry.
    • Cut out pressed flower and glue it to the front of the card.
    • Decorate the rest of the card using gold metallic pen, crayons, or markers.

  8. Display cards around the classroom.
Students get to know each other through a poetry writing activity.
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