Phonics: Vowel Printables Slideshow

Take a look inside our printable book "Phonics: Vowels (Grades K-4)," with this sneak peek slideshow. You'll see a preview of the worksheets and activities inside, including fill-in-the-blanks, mazes, and puzzles to help students improve phonics skills. This slideshow is just a sampling of all you can find in the printable book!
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Increase grammar skills with an activity on understanding the long "a" sound.
Increase reading abilities with an activity that build skills in understanding the long "i" sound.
Increase reading abilities with an activity that build skills in understanding long vowels.
Increase reading abilities with a printable activity that build skills in understanding long and short vowels. This Thanksgiving-themed activity is a good supplement to a grammar lesson.
Increase reading abilities with an activity that build skills in understanding the short "i" sound.
Employ a printable reading activity that helps build skills in understanding short vowel sounds.
Employ a reading activity that helps build skills in understanding short vowel sounds.
Employ a printable reading activity that helps build skills in understanding the two sounds of "oo."
Employ a printable reading activity that helps build skills in understanding sounds of "oo."
If you enjoyed this slideshow, you'll love what's in the entire printable book! There are many more phonics skill-builders included to help improve students' reading abilities. The book is only available to subscribers, so to see more sign up for a free-trial membership today!
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