Skill Builders: Geography Challenge Questions, Week 13

Week 13: Geography questions to help students learn research skills and discover fun facts.
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Geography Challenge

Week 13

Discover fun facts with three levels of geography questions.

Level 1 (Grades 3-5)

The Bering Strait is thought to be the place where Native Americans first crossed from Asia into the Americas.

What two countries does the Bering Strait divide today?

Level 2 (Grades 5-7)

Some of our earth's natural resources are renewable; others are not. Solar energy and wind power are examples of renewable resources.

What nonrenewable resources can you name? What do we do to conserve them?

Level 3 (Grades 6 and up)

West Virginia's most important mineral is coal.

What is the name of the hardest coal? What is soft coal called?
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Geography Challenge Answers

Week 13

Level 1

The Bering Strait divides Russia and the United States.

Level 2

Nonrenewable resources are fossil fuels, like coal and oil. To conserve our nonrenewable resources, we try to use less of them and substitute renewable resources when we can.

Level 3

The hardest coal is called anthracite. The softest coal is called bituminous.
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