Create a Scrapbook Icebreaker


  • Students will make a scrapbook to share with classmates and their parents.


  • Photos or pictures of each child
  • Construction paper
  • String or thread


  1. Have your students write their answers to these questions:
      What did you do for summer vacation ?
      What is your favourite food?
      What is your favourite animal?
      What do you want to be when you grow up?
  2. Paste the answers (along with photos to illustrate them) on separate pieces of construction paper.
  3. Bind them together with string or thread.
  4. Take photographs or have your students draw pictures of themselves for the cover of their scrapbooks.
  5. Set up an area in the classroom to display the scrapbooks, and set aside time for the students to look through their classmates’ creations.
  6. Variations: For more advanced groups, have students respond to general questions or statements that will encourage creativity:
      I am me because…
      My favourite place in the world is…
  7. Insert extra pages in the back of the scrapbook for peers to respond to the scrapbooks.
Creating scrapbooks about themselves can lead pupils to studying autobiographies.
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