Skill Builders: Geography Challenge Questions, Week 12

Week 12: Geography questions to help students learn research skills and discover fun facts.
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Geography Challenge

Week 12

Discover fun facts with three levels of geography questions.

Level 1 (Grades 3-5)

The ocean floor has deep trenches under the water.

Near Guam in the Pacific is the deepest trench: 36,198 feet (11,033 meters) below sea level. What is its name?

Level 2 (Grades 5-7)

Speleothems form in caves from dripping water that contains minerals. Two kinds of speleothems are stalactites and stalagmites.

What is the difference between a stalactite and a stalagmite?

Level 3 (Grades 6 and up)

There are approximately 455 active volcanoes on earth.

Several hundred of these volcanoes are called the Ring of Fire. Around what ocean is the “ring of fire” located?
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Geography Challenge Answers

Week 12

Level 1

This is called the Mariana Trench.

Level 2

Stalactites hang from a cave's ceiling. Stalagmites rise from the floor of a cave.

Level 3

The “ring of fire” goes around the Pacific Ocean.
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