Skill Builders: Geography Challenge Questions, Week 9

Week 9: Geography questions to help students learn research skills and discover fun facts.
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Geography Challenge

Week 9

Discover fun facts with three levels of geography questions.

Level 1 (Grades 3-5)

Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States.

What ocean is nearest to Washington, D.C.? What does the abbreviation “D.C.” stand for? Is Washington, D.C., a state?

Level 2 (Grades 5-7)

According to the 1990 Census, Wyoming is ranked 50th in size of population.

Which state has the most people?

Level 3 (Grades 6 and up)

At Point Barrow, Alaska, from May to August the residents have sunlight 24 hours a day.

Find Point Barrow, Alaska, on a map or globe. Why are the days so long in northern Alaska?
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Geography Challenge Answers

Week 9

Level 1

The Atlantic Ocean is nearest to Washington, D.C. The initials D.C. stand for “District of Columbia.” Washington, D.C. is not a state.

Level 2

California is the state with the largest population.

Level 3

The tilt of the Earth on its axis causes the North Pole to slant toward the sun during summer.
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