Skill Builders: Geography Challenge Questions, Week 30

Week 30: Geography questions to help students learn research skills and discover fun facts.
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Geography Challenge

Week 30

Discover fun facts with three levels of geography questions.

Level 1 (Grades 3-5)

Russia has coastlines on the Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and Pacific Ocean.

Russia is a large country with many coastlines, but what mountain chain divides Russia into two continents?

Level 2 (Grades 5-7)

France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain.

What body of water forms part of France's southern border? What bodies of water lie to the west of France?

Level 3 (Grades 6 and up)

There are three different kinds of plate boundaries: converging, diverging, and shearing.

What results from each of these movements? Name an example of each.
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Geography Challenge Answers

Week 30

Level 1

The Ural Mountains divide Russia into two continents.

Level 2

The Mediterranean Sea forms France's southern border. The Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic Ocean lie west of France.

Level 3

Converging plates form mountains and volcanoes. Diverging plates cause rifts in the ocean floor. Shearing plates cause tremors.

The Himalayas are on a converging plate. The Marianas Trench is on a diverging plate. The San Andreas Fault is a shearing plate.

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