Camp Confidential: Natalie's Secret

Find enrichment activities to use with Camp Confidential: Natalie's Secret, part one of the Camp Confidential series. This book is available online and in stores.
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Teaching Strategies:

Camp Confidential: Natalie's Secret

by Melissa J. Morgan

Natalie's Secret

Follow along online as Natalie Goode goes from life in the city to Camp Lakeview, where the secret she's been keeping might get in the way of new friendships. This Web book is 333 pages long – read it all online, or buy it in stores! This is the first book of the ever-expanding series. Encourage your students to give it a try, then watch them get hooked on reading them!

Your class might also enjoy Camp Confidential: Jenna's Dilemma, the second book in the series. Plus, find more classroom activities related to the Camp Confidential series.

Enrichment Activities

    Character Analysis

  • Analyze Natalie, Jenna, Grace, Alex, and other characters from the story, using the Character Chart.
  • Create a set of trading cards – one for each of the major characters in the story. Be sure to include descriptions of their personalities, their physical attributes, their likes and dislikes, plus a drawing of each character.
  • Writing

  • Write a reply from Hannah, to Natalie's first letter. Pretend you are in Europe with your family.
  • Create an adventure for Hannah in Europe; write about it in a short story. Does she have to meet new people, make new friends, and adjust to a different lifestyle, like Natalie does?
  • Write about a time when you had to make new friends. Explain how it felt to get to know new people.
  • Problem Summary

  • Use the Title, Character, Problem graphic organizer to summarize one of Natalie's problems and related events.
  • Find the main idea and supporting details of the story, and list them in a graphic organizer.
  • Maps

  • Draw a map of Camp Lakeview. Show Natalie's bunk, the mess hall, the flag pole, the camp director's office, the lake, and the boulder.
  • Comparing

  • Compare Natalie's life at Camp Lakeview with her life in New York City, using a Venn Diagram.
  • Problem Solving

  • Should Natalie have kept her father's identity a secret? Why or why not?
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