Name Day

Use a School Readiness Activity to provide early literacy thinking experiences for preschool children that will prepare them to do well in the early grades.
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Teaching Strategies:

Name Day

  • To understand that spoken words can be written
  • To recognize that print has meaning
  • To recognize that a name is a word

Self-sticking notes, marker, name cards-- made in advance

Literature Suggestion
Read any book about names, or a book that includes interesting or unique names.


Teach the children the "Name Chant" below. Have them chant together, then invite the children to take turns chanting by themselves. As they say their name, have them hold up their name cards. Finally, have them say the chant in pairs and shake hands.

    I like my name.
    Yes, it's true!
    My name is___________.
    How do you do?


  • Ask children to watch carefully as you print each child's name on a sticky note. As you write each name, say each letter aloud. Explain that every name is a word. Post the notes around the room or on each child's chair, table, or cubbie.
  • Ask children to draw pictures of themselves. Encourage them to write or scribble their names on their drawings. Praise all attempts, no matter how awkward.
Put children's names on index cards. Help them sort through the cards to find their own names.

Observation Assessment

  • Proficient - Child understands the concept that a name is a word, and makes scribbles that represent a name.
  • In Process - Child needs help to understand that a name is a word, and needs prompting to make scribbles to represent a name.
  • Not Yet Ready - Child does not yet understand that his/her name is a word and does not make scribbles that represent a name.
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